What’s this newsletter about?
Science is fun. It’s cool. It’s amazing!
Aha! celebrates science by revealing amazing discoveries and images from our world and beyond and exploring life’s most intriguing, strange and unexpected questions.
Subscribe now, and each week, you’ll get a digest of highly curated and professionally edited stories covering everything from incredible new astronomy photos and skywatching opportunities to the most fascinating creatures, human oddities and strange natural features here on our home planet, explaining how things work down here, out there, and beyond.
Aha! is a general-interest science publication newsletter that just got off the ground (May 24, 2024). This newsletter aims to be informative and entertaining on it’s own—I promise you great toilet reading every week—and it serves also as a gateway to stories in the companion Aha! publication on Medium. All the newsletter links are “friend links,” so even if you’re not a Medium member, you’ll have access to all the Aha! stories there.
Subscribe now to begin being wowed every week.
About me
While I’ve been on this planet for only six decades, three of them have been spent researching and reporting on science and health. I’m the former editor-in-chief of Live Science and Space.com and author of the book Make Sleep Your Superpower. I also edit the health and wellness publication/newsletter Wise & Well. Also, my weekly Writer’s Guide newsletter on Substack helps nonfiction writers grow and improve their craft. (full bio)
Aha! Science is a NO-AI publication: All stories are written by a real humans with real expertise and lived experience. (About this public-domain logo.)